Course – Restore the Core (ONLINE)

Our 6 weeks ONLINE Restore the Core programme aims to help mommies reconnect and restore their core..regain their abdominal strength and tone post pregnancy, from the comfort of home 

Want to know more about what this programme is about?

During pregnancy, you go through a myriad of changes to make way for the new life growing inside you.  Ligaments loosen, muscles stretch and weaken, changes occur in the body’s gravity centre, with accompanying  postural shifts and the worse- Diastasis recti, or DRA (or Ab Separation as some of know it) . Such changes not only frustrate a mother’s confidence level, but also predispose mothers to injuries or tightness in the lower back, shoulders, neck and hips or wherever each individual takes strain in her own body physically and mentally. Luckily, Postnatal Pilates is here- It is one of the most effective ways to encourage the abdominal muscles to return to their pre-pregnancy state and get back to back to the normal life as soon as possible

  • Reconnect with your “core” and help with repairing and losing that postpartum mummy belly
  • Tighten, close and repair the Diastasis Recti gap
  • Learn to flatten your stomach through posture and standing up the right way
  • Know how to engage the abdominal properly to help your body heal for good
  • Strengthen & learn how to keep a supple Pelvic Floor
  • Relieve shoulder & neck pain caused by breast feeding
  • Prevent incontinence during exercise / movements
  • Improve your posture ( that can be compromised at times from carrying baby over time and from breastfeeding )

Dates: TBA

  • RM550 for 6 Sessions 
  • Online Livestream (with class recordings available for 7 days)
  • Attendees will be required to purchase their own equipment for practise (Pilates ball, resistance bands and small dumbbells)
  • Suitable for all postpartum mommies (C sec and natural delivery)

For more details and to book a space, please us or email us at You may also call us for any enquiries at +601116664842